Ignorance is Miss - Interprofessional communication and collaboration for physicians and nurses in specialty training

Goal of the training

To support physicians and nurses in improving their collaborations and thereby improve patient safety.  

Training module set-up

The module has two main elements: individual assignment before the group session, and the group session. It has an option for a potential third element, that includes a reflection on a complex situations they deal with in their daily practice.


The module here comprises of a 2h workshop. However, we have two other set-ups of the same training module. Either a 4h workshop or an 8h workshop divided over 2 days. If you are interested in these longer formats, please contact us.
This module will be provided in Dutch.




Daniëlle Verstegen, PhD | educational scientist
Juliët Beuken, PhD | health scientist
Cindy Hulsman | biomedical scientist
Prof. Diana Dolmans | educational scientist